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Lifestyle When we talk about ‘life’, we don’t always necessary refer to the subjective accounting of the lived experience of it. What some of us might be referring to may include in-depth discussions on the various material commodities (like clothing, furniture, cars and houses etc.) that making living a particular life a worthwhile endeavor – both in its immediate and retrospective contexts. All these matters, of course, can easily be summed up under the comprehensive ‘Lifestyle’ category – of which this blog section is a stellar worded repository! Not everyone likes the same kinds of clothes, books and infrastructural utilities, and this preferential take arises from the very mindsets which make-up an individual’s subjective reasoning apparatus. At times, it may seem very interesting to sift through the opinion pieces of different people. With the help of these journals, it becomes easy to trace a map of the human psyche – which may further be used to make interesting predictions about peoples’ motivations and expected actions. So if you’re interested in engaging in any such probing venture(s), read on…

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