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Technological Trends Shaping the Telecom Providers in 2022

technological trends shaping telecom- providers

The past few years have been somewhat challenging for telecom providers, shifting from voice and text messages to virtual reality and artificial intelligence. However, companies like Cox cable service, and many more, refuse to give in. In fact, these telecommunication giants are working on transforming the industry and bringing it back into the spotlight. So how are they planning to do that? The answer is innovative technological trends! 

5 Technological Trends That Are Shaping Telecom Providers in 2022

Telecommunication companies are now leveraging digital transformation and undergoing significant structural change. Doing this will help them recover from the pandemic and regain their popularity. The following are five technological trends currently being implemented to reshape telecom providers:

#1. 5G Network

When 4G was introduced, it brought massive changes in the telecommunication world as well as the lives of the consumers. Every time a network-boosting technology or a new generation of wireless networks is introduced, there is growth in all relevant aspects. So naturally, after the Corona crisis, the telecommunication industry decided to introduce and upgrade to the fifth-generation mobile network, commonly known as 5G. 

5G was explicitly designed to make easier and stronger virtual connections between people through devices, objects, and machines. Telecoms claim that 5G applications will transform how businesses run and how people lead their lives. For example, it will be of immense help in the healthcare sector, where telemedicine will become a cost-effective and speedy way of diagnosing and prescribing treatments. Similarly, in the automobile industry, cars connected via the 5G network will become a better way of transportation. In the education sector, this new network will bring e-learning to the table. It will make academia more manageable for students and staff, especially after the pandemic. Hence, 5G is currently the new trend that is supposed to reshape the telecommunication industry. 

#2. Artificial Intelligence

Even though many recognize virtual assistance and artificial intelligence as the competitors of telecommunication businesses, smart entrepreneurs realize the importance of “Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.” In a less dramatic context, utilizing artificial intelligence and merging it with telecommunication can bring significant benefits and developments to the latter. For example, virtual assistants, AI tools, and chatbots help improve customer satisfaction and personalize their user experience. 

For example, when clients used to call their telecommunication company for inquiries and help, they had to wait in a queue first. Then, they would be addressed by a human employee who would listen to their problem and respond accordingly. This process would take time and was sometimes a hassle, especially for introverts. The employee on the other side of the phone would also be burdened with countless calls. Plus, responding to the same questions repeatedly was fatiguing and frustrating, to say the least. 

Now, when clients call Cox customer service or any of the modern telecommunication companies, they get an immediate response from a chatbot or a voice recording. In addition, frequently asked questions and inquiries are responded to by automated messaging so that the burden on the employee can be reduced and the client can get their answer immediately without having to wait. This is just one example of how artificial intelligence and virtual assistance have benefited telecommunication companies and how this trend will save these businesses from a major downfall. 

#3. Wi-Fi 6

Apart from the mobile network generations, even Wi-Fi technology expects a significant upgrade. As of right now, Wi-Fi 6 is the new talk of the town. It is defined as a modern wireless network with an upgraded extensive range delivering far better performance, connecting more devices simultaneously, and providing much faster communications. According to experts, it can increase the capacity of a network and decrease latency. Plus, it is expected to provide plenty of opportunities to increase revenues and savings. For example, users who have been subscribing to Cox internet packages will find bundles and deals reduced by several dollars but still get the same features and perks. 

Telecom operators plan to leverage this new Wi-Fi 6 to develop multiple ways of optimizing traffic across their access networks. This will help them grow in regions where fiber is unbelievably expensive- not to forget the other benefits in different fields like education, telemedicine, and entertainment. Moreover, they are also planning to merge it with the infamous 5G technology. This combination will provide improved signal strength and enable many incredible features. It will also minimize the amount of resource congestion across high-capacity networks, allowing a smooth data transfer between multiple IoT devices.

tech trends telecom sector

#4. IoT (Internet of Things)

IoT technology has grown over the last few years, and communication has benefited greatly. Developing connections between objects and people has become more accessible, and it has changed a lot for Telecom providers. Remote monitoring is one of the latest concepts being introduced to telecommunication companies. This phenomenon can help them increase their revenues by enhancing operational efficiency and improving customer experience. At the same time, remote monitoring will also enhance their business procedures and minimize the downtime for their shared cloud networks. 

#5. RTA

Growing telecommunication companies, like Cox, Optimum, and Altice One Optimum, have realized the importance of Robotic Process Automation Technology, also known as RPA. They have jumped on the bandwagon and understood that RPA would help their company create incredible automation tools. These tools will make business easier for them, improve productivity, and boost customer satisfaction. Some applications and examples would include automated customer responses, accurate reports, lower costs, less human resources, etc. 

Apart from high scalability and increased revenues and savings, this agile technology will also take care of repetitive tasks so that employees can put their efforts and attention to more important things on their lists. It will help them focus and prioritize their time and become more content in their workplace, increasing employee retention rates. Moreover, a happy and less burdened employee will be able to guide customers in a much better way. They will build deeper connections with them and quickly deliver services, improving customer satisfaction. 


The Telecom industry has been an essential part of the consumer world. Despite the challenges introduced by the pandemic, telecom companies can revive themselves by acknowledging the change in the market. They must figure out ways to keep up with the dynamism and modernization in the tech world. If they continue to implement efficient, modern trends in their systems, the future for telecom companies looks bright and promising.


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