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A Complete Guide On Mesh Network

mesh network guide

The majority of people use routers to get access to the internet. And though there is nothing wrong with that, what if you are told that there is another way to get an internet connection? Introducing Mesh Network. They are quickly becoming a popular way for people to connect to the internet. And many people are now installing them in their houses. But what is a mesh network? Well, read on to find out!

Defining Mesh Network

If you have a traditional WiFi network installed, your router will call the shots. You will find nodes to be connected in a linear pattern. And if you are using WiFi extenders with the router, each extended will communicate with just the router and not with the other nodes that are connected to the network.

Mesh network will not work like this! In fact, it has a completely different way of functioning. It doesn’t have a switch or a central hub to control the traffic. And every device that is connected to the network will be able to communicate to the other devices seamlessly. This will create multiple relays which will help in directing the traffic across every device. And when that happens, a mesh-like pattern of connectivity will be formed.

This type of network is based on cooperation. All nodes will work together to distribute data. The network will have an influence on a number of factors like the cost of system installation and implementation, hardware cost, and cost per node. Another thing you must know is that it is not like the MoCA WiFi. It is a wired solution that boosts internet speed. Whereas a mesh network extends the coverage of WiFi signals.

How Does Mesh Network Work?

The reason why mesh network router is picking up in popularity is that they can extend the WiFi signals to extended areas. This means that there will be minimum dead zones. This type of network works with the help of several nodes which are connected wirelessly. These nodes are well connected with one another in a non-linear pattern, forming network bridging. This enables the nodes to carry out the communication with each other smoothly. If one node is unable to relay information to the next node, it will try another route.

Installing this network is more of an advanced option for internet users. It is meant for people who always need an internet connection to do their tasks, such as completing the Cox bill pay process. This tech is also beneficial for businesses. Companies can rely on the network to ensure the availability of the internet to their employees.

Types of Mesh Topology

There are two types of mesh topology. Let’s have a look at both of them.

#1. Full Mesh Topology

In a full mesh topology, every node is connected with the other nodes. This is what enables the message to be sent along multiple individual routes.

#2. Partial Mesh Topology

As the name suggests, the nodes are connected partially with the other nodes. Therefore, there will not be many routes available for the message to travel. However, it will be much easier to install as compared to the full mesh topology.

The Advantages of Mesh Network

Mesh network is the best option for most people who like to be connected to the internet at all times. After all, it has a lot of pros. With that said, let’s have a look at some of the wireless mesh network advantages.

#1. Scalable

If you are using a mesh network, there will be no need for routers. Instead, every node will act like one! This will allow you to change the size of the network whenever you please. For instance, if you are going to have a conference, you can install more nodes so that devices like laptops can get connected to the internet.

#2. Resistant to Issues

Every node that is a part of a mesh receives information. This is what makes the mesh network so reliable. It helps in keeping the network functioning even when an issue surfaces. How do you wonder? Well, if a node stops working, the network will start to rely on the other nodes in order to keep the connection stable. This means that your internet will not go offline, allowing you to keep doing what you do whether it is checking Spectrum billing or streaming a video.

#3. Allows You to Add Range

You can add range to the mesh network without any worries. All you have to do is connect nodes to gateways which will allow the messages to pass through the network. In addition, this network is smart. It can easily find the fastest route to send a message.

The Disadvantages

Although mesh network is pretty useful, it has some cons as well. And you should be aware of them. After all, if you are going to invest in this tech, you should know what to expect. Here are some of the wireless mesh network disadvantages.

#1. More Workload for Every Node

Every node that is connected in a mesh has got a lot of work to do. They are not only responsible for transferring messages, but they also must act as a router. And as more nodes are added, the network becomes more complex. A node will be tracking the message from multiple nodes. Moreover, every message that a node passes to the next node contains a lot of data that it has to handle as well.

#2. Network Installation Can Be Complicated

Installing a mesh network is not easy. It is quite complicated and will require some time and effort. You will have to be careful where to place the nodes. If you know the area where latency issues are high, it is suggested to place a node there. You must also place nodes at particular places for the sole purpose of forwarding messages.

#3. More Power Consumption for Every Node

As you know by now every node will be acting like a router as well as a route, this will increase its workload. And due to this, there will be more strain as a result of which every node will be using more power to operate. It isn’t really a big problem if you have large nodes that can be connected to an electrical system. However, if you have battery-powered nodes, you can expect them to use more power.


Mesh network is a useful tech that people can use to ensure the accessibility of the internet all across their homes. Also, businesses can use them as well so that the employees can work online without any issues. There is no denying that this network has a lot of benefits. However, you should also consider the cons as well. It will help you decide if mesh networks are for you or not.

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